Chapter 6: Sexual Selection

BBC-LifeOfMammals/1.3_PlantPredators/#38:20 Bison 40:10 Bighorn Sheep 43:10 Topi fight
BBC-Galapagos/#35:15 Galapagos Sea Lions competing to be beachmaster
BBC-PlanetEarth/3.2_Jungles/#1:00 Bird of Paradise courtship - indirect benefit of colorful plumage
BBC-BluePlanet/4.7_TidalSeas/#39:55 Caribbean Flamingos feed on Brine Shrimp (for color - monogamous)
REDO runaway_selection
Pavlovian_conditioning-quail sperm is not really mate choice? are they aroused?
remove PAV, overiding from sexual_imprinting.htm
AdventuresInBirdwatching/2.5_CostaRica/#9:10	Bare-necked Umbrellabird
  1. directional, stabilizing, disruptive selection
  2. female investment: internal gestation
  3. spermatophore: not really food
  4. head, body, pubic louse feed on blood
  5. females 2 million primary oocytes
  6. 10 M olfactory receptors (dogs 1 B), smell 10 K odors; 4 tastes - sweet, sour, salty, bitter (umami).
  7. PAV fish: light 10 seconds b4 female; UNP 6 hours b4: aroused