Chapter 12: Communication

Water strider: leg hairs (microsetae) with fine nanogrooves.; PAPER CLIP surface tension
BBC-LifeOfMammals/2.1_Chisellers/#12:30 Alpine Marmot call, tail flag, fight for territory?
BBC-LifeInTheUndergrowth/1.3_TheSilkSpinners/#1:43:45 Mayflies (insect swarm?)
clever_Hans comm. between species
chimp_hoots High-ranking adult males pant-hoot most; identification, excitement.
color_signal Atlantic salmon: English Channel, Scottish rivers (Pacific: Sockeye & Coho=red, Chinook)
raven_dominance look at either bar: all birds, or screen between
sperm_whale-codas just compare "Same group" and "Diff oceans"; Spearman correlation: rank 2 variables (IQ & TV hrs)
1=d  2=a  3=e  4=a  5=C
6=b? 7=c? 8=A  9=E  10=e
  1. Yellow-bellied marmot: open habitats, alpine meadows, mountains
  2. Ruffed Grouse drumming: forests, Appalachian Mountains - Canada; Sage Grouse air sacs
  3. Snout-vent length: anus (exclude tail)
  4. handicap principle: humans conspicuous consumption
  5. Electric organ: between tail & caudal fin
  6. Octopus color change: translocate pigment and reorient reflective plates in chromatophores
  7. Chameleons 3 layes of chromatophore pigments