Chapter 2: Natural Selection

Darwin - Origin of Species
BBC-LifeInTheUndergrowth/2.1_IntimateRelations/#11:30 Parasitic wasp oviposits into gall wasp larva; 44:10 Ichneumon wasp
BBC-BluePlanet/1.1_OceanWorld/#12:20 sardine bait ball
BBC-LifeOfMammals/2.1_Chisellers/#20:10 Naked Mole Rat (play from Chisellers - Mole Rats)
BBC-PlanetEarth/4.1_SeasonalForests/#22:05 Mandarin Ducks nest in tree
Add diagram for Natural selection operates on at least three factors - Fill hint Guppy birth?
Broad sense: genetic variance=.7, env.=.3; heritability = .7/1 = .7
  1. Focal female = copies behavior of other female
  2. systolic: pump pressure.
  3. Square root of variance = standard deviation
  4. Truncation: army height: 60" (58" females) to 80".
  5. Mute swans territorial; displace least terns, black skimmers, tundra swans, black ducks.
  6. midparent = avg between father & mother
  7. Wood duck (speculum) nests in swamps/marshes
  8. Minisatellite: tandem repeats - extreme polymorphism, 1000 loci, for DNA fingerprinting