Chapter 12 Self Quiz Summary

  1. Animal communication involves transfer of information from to and operates via different in various behavioral . wmplayer
  2. Sometimes the must decide whether the signal is "honest"; the principle predicts that signals can be treated as honest if they are costly to fake.
  3. Communication in the context of include calling, the dance of honeybees and in leaf cutter ants. playvideo
  4. Some signals serve to convey the intention to engage in rather than in other behavior such as aggression.
  5. Aquatic modes of communication include communication in water striders, and discharge in many species of fish.
  6. Modes of communication to signal interactions include color change in salmon and in ravens.
  7. Some mammals are capable of about their communication system, and start to develop a "dialect".
  8. Among many primate species, complex behaviors allow maintenance of group harmony after acts of aggression.
  9. Alarm calls among non-kin may be a form of mate to increase the individual's chances of mating and producing offspring.
  10. Some animals engage in communication to increase their own fitness.
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